First good sign is that you understand the content produced by us, even with small help of dictionary or translator. Your theoretical level is appropriate, join us to use it in a meaningful way!

If you are still unsure, visit our free –> Gameful Meetup <– to test your skills and to talk to our representative about your situation.

If your child has had formal English education for at least 3 years and is at least 10 years old, they are very likely to enjoy our –> Board Game Club Kids <–.

Whenever in doubt, –> contact us <– to discuss your situation.

Yes, you can but not primarily. Our courses focus on fluency, rather than accuracy of speaking. We implement gamified feedback strategies for correct speaking as well, but they are not the aim of our courses.

No, our games and events are prepared only for English learners so far.

No, we increase fluency level which requires theoretical knowledge base of the language (basic vocabulary and grammar understanding).

Momentarily, we only provide conversational English courses which require at least level A2.

Yes, we do! We do not publish them but playtest during some of our sessions and they are actively played within our courses.

We also modify other existing games so that they are more suitable for language learning purposes.

They refer to the official way of recognising language level based on European framework. See more information including descriptions of each level –> here <–.