This is a structured event focused on practising

English speaking skills. For this purpose, we play communicative (board) games.
The event is for free.
The games are provided by us and we explain the rules as well. This time, we’re going to playtest our own board game which is still in the process of development.


Mark your attendance at least one day ahead.

Be on time so that we can play for all 2 hours without disturbance.

Don’t worry about your English level. If you could read this far and you understood everything, you’re all set to go!

Bring a friend along so that you share the love and ensure playing the game you fancy!

During this summer edition, we’re going to gather in the park Slovanské náměstí again. There are huge stairs in the middle of the park where we meet and either stay there or move a bit further away to play on a blanket on the lawn.
In case of

rain, the event may be cancelled.
By participating, you agree to becoming famous as we are going to take pictures which may be used on social media.
All gaming material created and used during the event belongs to the hosts.
The hosts have the right to change the programme without announcing it beforehand, however, the point of the meetup stays always the same (to practise spoken English via games).